
Sunday, November 07, 2010

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

sambel ijo sushi *kok beda sama masakan padang*

Ask me anything

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

siaran berita @pramitaandini *favorit*

Ask me anything

Who's the most underrated musician?

@yogi_ahmad setelah minum jus kiwi

Ask me anything

What was your favorite book as a child?

komik seven magic dan sweet rabu rabu.. ;p

Ask me anything

Who's the most overrated musician?

maxim.. selain itu dia masuk kategori wajan terbaik

Ask me anything

What was your favorite year?

2006.. my 21st bday.. it was fun!

Ask me anything

Who was the best boss you've ever had?

parents.. *tak pernah menyuruh*

Ask me anything

What do you think is the best way to defeat terrorism?

jadi teroris buat mereka..

Ask me anything

kalo disuruh investasi, pilih beli saham siapa?

Donald Trump.. klo nggak ya Tripp Darling III

Ask me anything

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

How many languages do you speak?

banyak lah.. cuman speak aj kan? *buka gtranslate

Ask me anything

What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath or shower?

perjalanan ke Arab! *jadi TKI*

Ask me anything

What was your worst travel experience?

w/ @yogi_ahmad.. destination: buntu

Ask me anything

Would you rather date a lot of different people, or be in a committed relationship?

comit! -bila boleh memilih

Ask me anything

What was your first paying job?

paskibra! *sangat nasionalis* 10ribu/jam

Ask me anything

If you could go on a road trip with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

@yogi_ahmad.. anywhere timpring lah.. *sangu sego*

Ask me anything

What's the worst show on TV?

tv champion --"wah hebat ya,kok bisa begitu" dubbing yg menarik

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest woman alive?

@DistaIsman dengan gelang gemeroncongnya.. lol

Ask me anything

Who was the best teacher you've ever had?

Pak Tarno lah,,sim salabim jadi apa prok prok prok.... *belajar hipnotis*

Ask me anything

Do you believe in ghosts?

yes,, ssstt jgn ngomongin mreka disini

Ask me anything

If you won a $1,000 shopping spree for any store, which store would you pick?

ditabung saja.. *diam2 daftar judi di lasvegas*

Ask me anything

What's one food you'll never eat again?

rawon kaos kaki buatan mas ku.. iyuwh...

Ask me anything

What's your favorite city?

Gresik lah.. ga ada mall, ga ada bioskop.. i wonder adakah lokalisasi di sini?

Ask me anything

If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?

dont worry,,ini semua hanya hoax formspring saja

Ask me anything

Star Trek or Star Wars?

StarBucks *lirik @yogi_ahmad* "akhir oktober promonya habis lho ru"

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest man alive?

@aanfalbber lah.. dia kan kembaran ricky martin

Ask me anything

If you could have the starring role in one movie what would it be?

si buta dari gua hantu,,ga usah susah2 ngapalin dialog *kan buta

Ask me anything

Do you believe there's intelligent life on other planets?

saya sangat yakin ada sailor mars,mercury,venus dan jupiter

Ask me anything

If you had to perform at the circus, what trick would you do?

trik kartu biasa.. *siapin obor+kumur besin*

Ask me anything

Do you consider yourself a good dancer?

never..i have to learn more.. *tari kecak+balet*

Ask me anything

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?

Kerr Smith.. LOL *jangan sampe ketauan @TrioJun

Ask me anything

What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you?

beresin kamar.. *lirik @kimmymen

Ask me anything

salam kenal. pilih nanya atau ditanya?

pilih ditanya.. #naluriartis

Ask me anything

Kapan merit?

umur 27.,.

Ask me anything