
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?

@alitpetit the bday boy!! *kapan aku diundang ke sana?

Ask me anything

What one thing are you exceptionally good at?

membaca.. *TK gak lulus

Ask me anything

Where'd you find out about

dari @petrasihombing

Ask me anything

Were you a Michael Jackson fan?

me?how could?definetely yes lah.. *spetu pantovel item kaos kaki putih..

Ask me anything

What's your dream car?

yg muat semua kluarga besarku.. *mosok truck?

Ask me anything

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?

jelas lah Jerry Yan.. *sik usum tah?

Ask me anything

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

Time Travel *pengen tau masa depanku seperti apa

Ask me anything

What was your worst travel experience?

saat kebuntuan melanda *with @yogi_ahmad biasanya

Ask me anything

What was your favorite toy to play with as a child?

main engkle.. *kakiku panjang sebelah..

Ask me anything

If you could ask Barack Obama one question what would it be?

kamu mau taksuapin Bakso Panas? *poke @yogi_ahmad

Ask me anything

What's your favorite sport?

Sepak Bola! *menyisir pompom bersama @YokoPrimaS dan @yogi_ahmad

Ask me anything

Star Trek or Star Wars?

Star One.. *telpon terus tanpa henti..

Ask me anything

How would you describe your style?

gendis,kelimis dan kemeksis *lirik @adaangga

Ask me anything

What was the best advice you've ever received?

terima aja cowok yg nembak kmu itu... *minum baygon

Ask me anything

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

If you could look like anybody, who would it be?

@yogi_ahmad plis.. saatnya bertukar peran di kantor

Ask me anything

What would be the best workplace perk?

meja kerja yg penuh makanan,.. *efek laper

Ask me anything

Where's your favorite place to buy clothes?

butik Anne Avantie lah.. -jenny humphrey-

Ask me anything

What website do you spend the most time on? lah... *ga mungkin lah

Ask me anything

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

time travel! *pengen liat film Gundala Putra Petir versi robot masa depan

Ask me anything

What's your favorite movie quote?

persahabatan kita ga main main... soulmate forever sehidup semati *cekakakan..

Ask me anything

If you had access to a time machine, where and when would be the first place you travel to?

1945 ke hotel majapahit.. pengen tau siapa yg nyobek bendera merah putih biru.. *sambil bawa jeans buat minta tolong dipermak sama dia

Ask me anything

Who's the most talented person you know?

@alitpetit yang bisa salto sambil baca alQur'an

Ask me anything

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

Syahru >> Dwi seperti nama @yogi_ahmad *kendat

Ask me anything

What do you think was the greatest invention in your lifetime?

apa?kalender boyband dan girlband jaman2 britney

Ask me anything

If you could ask George W. Bush one question what would it be?

huruf W di namanya apa singkatan dari Waria?

Ask me anything

If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?

gado gado.. it's my always weekend menu

Ask me anything

What is the story behind your name?

once upon a time when my mom in a last period of pregnancy,, she met snow white in the jungle.. at that time, snow white sold her dwarfs to my mom because she needs money,, but my mom only can buy 5 of them.. their name is: Smiley, Angry, Happy, Rumpy and Unyu.. and my mom put the first Letter of their names to be my name,..

Ask me anything

What's your favorite movie you've seen recently?

cin,tetangga gueh kuntilanak! *ga pengen matek ae tah

Ask me anything

What weapon would you use to defend yourself in the zombie apocalypse?

tentu saja telepon! *telpon harry potter

Ask me anything

What's your favorite board game?


Ask me anything

Do you have any recurring dreams?

bolak balik.. dan isinya: RAPAT

Ask me anything

If you found $1000 laying on the street, what would you do with it?

berdoa agar org yang kehilangan diberi rejeki lebih *gombal tingkat dewa

Ask me anything

Would you rather watch a comedy or a drama?

are u kidding?of course DRAMA lah.. *menyulam

Ask me anything

If you could be born in a different decade, what decade would you choose?

disaat madam CHER masih merajai tangga lagu!

Ask me anything

What three things are you most thankful for?

keluarga yg mencintaiku *bener2 jujur dari hati
pacar yang setia *sok laku
kantor & bos yang menyenangkan *LOL

Ask me anything

What's the last song that you listened to?

3 boleh ga?
uut permatasari - pacar 5 langkah
5 bidadari - aku atau dia
sm*sh - i heart you

Ask me anything

If you could have one thing delivered to your door every day what would it be?


Ask me anything

Would you rather date a lot of different people, or be in a committed relationship?

commited one plis! *buka menu pijet plus2

Ask me anything

Do you consider yourself a good dancer?

not really... *poco2 nonstop di belakang koreografer

Ask me anything

If you won a $1,000 shopping spree for any store, which store would you pick?

Pasar Turi dan Pasar Atum! tak lupa Kapas Krampung..

Ask me anything

What's your favorite drink?

air mineral.. *menggali minyak bumi dan mineral dulu

Ask me anything

Who's the funniest person you know?

@yogi_ahmad dan @alitpetit

Ask me anything

Who was the best boss you've ever had?

pak Ahril....
-Lhuna Mhaya-

Ask me anything

If you had to perform at the circus, what trick would you do?

ring leader or fire cracker like @adaangga

Ask me anything

How many countries have you traveled to?

2 (kosovo dan zimbabwe)

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest woman alive?

meriam belina.. *nonton catatan si boy

Ask me anything

What would be the best thing about being a vampire?

simple.. immortal!.. *makan anti-aging

Ask me anything

Would you rather own a luxury yacht or a private jet?

own my reality lah.. *glorious palace plis

Ask me anything

Cats or Dogs?

cats! *dog kata kyai2 haram

Ask me anything

How many languages do you speak?

3 (ghana,namibia dan timbuktu)

Ask me anything

Would you rather be really hot or really cold?

cold for now.. *minum darah

Ask me anything

If you won a million dollars what would you do with it?

naik haji.. *cita2 yang sangat ibu2

Ask me anything

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you?

"makasih udah di add"

Ask me anything

What was the worst job you've ever had?

ga ada tuh,.. semua ada ceritanya

Ask me anything

How many languages do you speak?

satu saja.. bahasa sansekerta,, trims

Ask me anything

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

vampire! *poke Renny S Anggie* we'll be young forever!

Ask me anything

What was the worst concert you went to?

apik kabeh kok,..

Ask me anything

What was the happiest moment in your life?


Ask me anything

What do you think about so far?

buntu!bikin app di BB dong

Ask me anything

What would your dream job look like?

it was behind desk.. and this is it!now i'm behind desk

Ask me anything

How many countries have you traveled to?

baru satu.. itupun numpang..

Ask me anything

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

saya kontrovert!

Ask me anything

banyak questions haha tapi ga mau bales :P

lho mau tanya apa kmu?

Ask me anything

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

sambel ijo sushi *kok beda sama masakan padang*

Ask me anything

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

siaran berita @pramitaandini *favorit*

Ask me anything

Who's the most underrated musician?

@yogi_ahmad setelah minum jus kiwi

Ask me anything

What was your favorite book as a child?

komik seven magic dan sweet rabu rabu.. ;p

Ask me anything

Who's the most overrated musician?

maxim.. selain itu dia masuk kategori wajan terbaik

Ask me anything

What was your favorite year?

2006.. my 21st bday.. it was fun!

Ask me anything

Who was the best boss you've ever had?

parents.. *tak pernah menyuruh*

Ask me anything

What do you think is the best way to defeat terrorism?

jadi teroris buat mereka..

Ask me anything

kalo disuruh investasi, pilih beli saham siapa?

Donald Trump.. klo nggak ya Tripp Darling III

Ask me anything

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

How many languages do you speak?

banyak lah.. cuman speak aj kan? *buka gtranslate

Ask me anything

What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath or shower?

perjalanan ke Arab! *jadi TKI*

Ask me anything

What was your worst travel experience?

w/ @yogi_ahmad.. destination: buntu

Ask me anything

Would you rather date a lot of different people, or be in a committed relationship?

comit! -bila boleh memilih

Ask me anything

What was your first paying job?

paskibra! *sangat nasionalis* 10ribu/jam

Ask me anything

If you could go on a road trip with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

@yogi_ahmad.. anywhere timpring lah.. *sangu sego*

Ask me anything

What's the worst show on TV?

tv champion --"wah hebat ya,kok bisa begitu" dubbing yg menarik

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest woman alive?

@DistaIsman dengan gelang gemeroncongnya.. lol

Ask me anything

Who was the best teacher you've ever had?

Pak Tarno lah,,sim salabim jadi apa prok prok prok.... *belajar hipnotis*

Ask me anything

Do you believe in ghosts?

yes,, ssstt jgn ngomongin mreka disini

Ask me anything

If you won a $1,000 shopping spree for any store, which store would you pick?

ditabung saja.. *diam2 daftar judi di lasvegas*

Ask me anything

What's one food you'll never eat again?

rawon kaos kaki buatan mas ku.. iyuwh...

Ask me anything

What's your favorite city?

Gresik lah.. ga ada mall, ga ada bioskop.. i wonder adakah lokalisasi di sini?

Ask me anything

If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?

dont worry,,ini semua hanya hoax formspring saja

Ask me anything

Star Trek or Star Wars?

StarBucks *lirik @yogi_ahmad* "akhir oktober promonya habis lho ru"

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest man alive?

@aanfalbber lah.. dia kan kembaran ricky martin

Ask me anything

If you could have the starring role in one movie what would it be?

si buta dari gua hantu,,ga usah susah2 ngapalin dialog *kan buta

Ask me anything

Do you believe there's intelligent life on other planets?

saya sangat yakin ada sailor mars,mercury,venus dan jupiter

Ask me anything

If you had to perform at the circus, what trick would you do?

trik kartu biasa.. *siapin obor+kumur besin*

Ask me anything

Do you consider yourself a good dancer?

never..i have to learn more.. *tari kecak+balet*

Ask me anything

What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life?

Kerr Smith.. LOL *jangan sampe ketauan @TrioJun

Ask me anything

What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you?

beresin kamar.. *lirik @kimmymen

Ask me anything

salam kenal. pilih nanya atau ditanya?

pilih ditanya.. #naluriartis

Ask me anything

Kapan merit?

umur 27.,.

Ask me anything

Thursday, October 28, 2010

When was the last time you received flowers?

last friend's wedding *nyolong melati manten*

Ask me anything

If you could make one person fall in love with you who would it be?

britney spears lah.,sakno de'e janda..

Ask me anything

Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?

gendeng be'e aku renang nang segoro! *nyiapin sajen buat nyi roro kidul*

Ask me anything

What TV show makes you laugh the loudest?

srimulat?no.. the simpsons?it was.. mungkin saatnya saya yg jadi pelawaknya..

Ask me anything

Do you believe in angels?

iya dong,, guardian angel,, charlie's angels dan angel lelga tentunya

Ask me anything

Who was your first crush?

seorang gadis lugu kelas 1 SD.. pada masanya.. *saiki wes kawin*

Ask me anything

Would you rather be a zombie or a mummy?

saya jadei mummy nya zombie deh..,. yang melahirkan dasn menyusui mereka..

Ask me anything

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

saya tak pernah melihat orang sedih mendengar cerita pribadi saya.. mending saya simpen sendiri.. *nulis diary trus dipublish ke FB* --podo ae

Ask me anything

How many countries have you traveled to?

2 saja... mungkin tahun depan bisa lebih.. ;) i wish

Ask me anything

If you could eliminate one thing you do each day in the bathroom so you never had to do it again, what would it be?

seorang bath-lover tak mungkin mengeliminasi salah satu ritual di dalmnya.. itu udah kayak standar ISO *belanja detergen*

Ask me anything

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

telekinesis!!keren kyknya klo bisa mindahin barang sambil nunjuk2 aja *merapal mantra*

Ask me anything

Would you rather get up early or sleep late?

bangun pagi menyehatkan tubuh.. tidur larut mengeksiskan tubuh.. *pose*

Ask me anything

What was the weirdest gift you ever received?

handuk,, dia pikir aku atlet basket kali ya?atw supir bajaj? anyway,thanks,,it means a lot

Ask me anything

Would you rather be really hot or really cold?

yang anget-anget kuku gitu ada nggak?

Ask me anything

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Who's the most underrated actor?

@helmaxie mosok isok'e akting nangis ae

Ask me anything

If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?


Ask me anything

What would your perfect day look like?

kissing my wife at the park when autumn wind blows leaves and our hair

Ask me anything

Who's the most overrated actor?

@BeniBeno sang pesenam handal! *kasih selempang

Ask me anything

What was the best advice you've ever received?

kesempatan kedua tak sama dg yg pertama

Ask me anything

What's your biggest phobia?

my self massive power! *baca komik xmen

Ask me anything

Would you rather be really hot or really cold?

really cold!

Ask me anything

What message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?

maaf anda belum beruntung, coba lagi

Ask me anything

If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?

preston bailey!cant imagine how great is it

Ask me anything

What's your favorite genre of music?

easy listening.. and easy to sing.. mbuh genre opo

Ask me anything

What was the happiest moment in your life?

have twin children from my beloved wife

Ask me anything

Where would you like to spend your retirement?

private island

Ask me anything

What would be the best workplace perk?


Ask me anything

What was your favorite toy to play with as a child?

ask @yogi_ahmad *mengeluarkan pensil bintang

Ask me anything

Who's the funniest person you know?

@yogi_ahmad lah!kok iso nemen ngono

Ask me anything

What's the best place near you to get a drink?

ask @aiemono sang jumper!

Ask me anything

Would you rather be a famous musician or a famous actor?

famous sak kabehe

Ask me anything

If you could have invented one thing, what would it have been?

bad guy detector!

Ask me anything

What was the worst advice you've ever received?

putusin aja pacarmu,,sini pacaran sama aku aja!

Ask me anything

What was your favorite book as a child?

komik dragonball!

Ask me anything

What TV show do you wish would go off the air for good?

kuis sms!

Ask me anything

Who's your favorite musician?

@yogi_ahmad si jago suling!

Ask me anything

What was the worst concert you went to?

konsernya TeamLo dan Rieke Diah Pitaloka!outdoor dan ujan!

Ask me anything

If you were offered the job of U.S. president would you take the job?

*mengikuti jejak Sri Mulyani.. saya mau!

Ask me anything

What was your worst travel experience?

pas macet!

Ask me anything

If you could ask Barack Obama one question what would it be?

dulu waktu SD pernah ikut PMR ga?

Ask me anything

If you could instantly become an expert at one style of dance, what style would you pick?

koplo plis!

Ask me anything

How would you describe your personality?

magnificent, sophisticated and dangerous

Ask me anything

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What kind of music can you just not stand to listen to?

wes mari iki

Ask me anything

If you were offered the job of U.S. president would you take the job?

*curhat ke bu Sri Mulyani* *berkemas*

Ask me anything

Would you rather be a zombie or a mummy?

pertanyaanmu kok congok se?vampire ga onok?

Ask me anything

If you could become any fictional character, who would you be?


Ask me anything

What would your dream job look like?

office hour,behind desk,in front of computer.. now it's true! i love it.. thx boss! :')

Ask me anything

Who's the most overrated athlete?

@yogi_ahmad si atlit lempar lembing *singkirkan HP CDMA

Ask me anything

What kind of music can you just not stand to listen to?

koploan! *langsung goyang lah*

Ask me anything

Who would win in a fight: pirates or ninjas?

sing menang @adaangga jelas!fight for brondong kan?

Ask me anything

Cats or Dogs?

aku ga gelem karo KUCING!,opo maneh ASU!sing AYAM ga onok?

Ask me anything

What's the best place near you to get a drink?

poso goblok!

Ask me anything

If you could make one person fall in love with you who would it be?

@britneyspears dan @ladygaga lah.. mosok @adamlambert?

Ask me anything

Who's the sexiest woman alive?

pacarnya @kimmymen which is @kimmywoman.. *hayalan

Ask me anything

What's your favorite season of the year?

pasti lah cinta fitri season 2 dan season in the sun!

Ask me anything

If you could have invented one thing, what would it have been?

teleport!ga usah susah2 pake telpon..

Ask me anything

What's the best place near you to get a pizza?

pantry kantor.. njaluk opo maneh?spagetti?waffle?rangin?lekker?

Ask me anything

Who's the most underrated athlete?

@AstaDewanti lah.. senam ritmik nang klenteng!

Ask me anything

Who's the funniest person you know?

@aanflabber.. koyok lumba2.. ganti @aandolphin

Ask me anything

What's your favorite city?

Ndiwek pastinya.. selain cozy,, dia tak terdeteksi radar

Ask me anything

What was the last book you read?

Al-Qur'an lah! *mikir* brapa taun yg lalu y?

Ask me anything

Would you rather date a lot of different people, or be in a committed relationship?

what about both? *menggambar peta lokasi ngedate

Ask me anything

Do you believe in God?

sangat! *membaca kitab kuning

Ask me anything

What was the worst place you've traveled to?

every destination has it's own story, even it's at the rooftop of my boarding house..

Ask me anything

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

pastinya sinetron yang tak lekang oleh waktu *ngulek sambel

Ask me anything

What's the secret to happiness?

rukun iman dan pancasila

Ask me anything

What's the furthest you've ever traveled?

middle east.. dodolan rokok mbek empon2

Ask me anything

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What was your favorite toy to play with as a child?

zoo... brapa banyak yah mainan binatang2anku? *menghitung kambing

Ask me anything

If you could ask Barack Obama one question what would it be?

dulu waktu SD pernah makan cilot ga?

Ask me anything

If you could master one skill what would it be?

membelah diri...

Ask me anything

How would you describe your personality?

wes mari

Ask me anything

What was your favorite birthday gift?

hair gel dan sisir.. jaman SMP! inikah yg membuat rambutku beruban?

Ask me anything

Who inspires you the most?

my dad of course.. *ayo pah main balapan*

Ask me anything

What message would you want to put in a fortune cookie?

yang makan kue ini adalah jodohku!

Ask me anything

What was the worst job you've ever had?

semua job ada ceritanya,.. ga da yg worst!paling yo sebagai trainer FB

Ask me anything

Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?

lambemu!prosomu aku iki iwak duyung be'e yo.. i prefer sumur ae!

Ask me anything

If you could only read one magazine for the rest of your life, which would it be?

tak lain dan tak bukan : BOBO

Ask me anything

Who's the most overrated athlete?

@dodywijays lah.. main bola aja kalah.. apalagi main bola bekel

Ask me anything

What's one thing you own that you should probably throw away, but never will?

tentu saja BB,, gendeng be'e ngguwak BB!

Ask me anything

What are you most excited about right now?

tentu saja lagu2 berkelas seperti keong racun dan cinta satu malam

Ask me anything

How would you describe your personality?

i'm cool, i'm sexy, i'm funny.. give me S! A! H! R! U!... *bentuk piramid

Ask me anything

What's your favorite city?

dibanding NYC yg rea reo,, mending Gresik saja..

Ask me anything

Would you rather own a luxury yacht or a private jet?

menjadi suami pemiliknya saja

Ask me anything